Saturday, September 12, 2009

Girl shows her baldness to the world

AOL Health published an article about a young woman who shares her alopecia story with the world AND takes a picture without her wig. She also has her own website that offers beauty advice for those with alopecia! I commend this girl for bravely letting anyone and everyone see who she really is without her guard of a wig. I myself have been debating about putting my blog on facebook to let my friends read what I am going through, but with 900+ friends and a lot who do not know me THAT is a little nerveracking. After reading this girl's article and showing her fearlessness, perhaps I can finally let those who "know" me see the real me.

Here is the article from AOL:

Her personal website is

1 comment:

  1. I salute to those girls shows their baldness. Another type of treatment is designed to produce a contact dermatitis, or irritation, at the site seemingly stimulating hair growth. The most common irritant used is called anthralin. Some studies suggest using minoxidil and anthralin in combination may be more effective.

