Monday, September 7, 2009


So the guy I have been dating for the past 2 months has decided to break things off because he has to live in Wyoming every other month for work. We had really great chemistry and he acted like we were going to have a long future together. Needless to say, I am pretty upset about it. It is always nerveracking to introduce a new guy to my issue with alopecia. I have never had a guy care or runaway because of it, but I still get nervous telling someone! Plus, despite the physical aspects of alopecia, there are a lot of emotional self-esteem issues I still deal with and it is not always easy finding someone who I think can handle that.

I am in this new city for about a year now and I just hate going on dates because I am super picky, and I actually saw something in this guy and wanted to take the next step...something I hardly ever do considering my commitment phobia. Not sure where to go from here....
I guess I just have to move forward and hope the next guy will be ok dating someone with alopecia. Though I know someone who has guy dump her because of it...guys can be such assholes.

1 comment:

  1. Its so sad. Round patches of baldness appear on the scalp when hair fall off in bunches. Onion juice should be rubbed into such bald patches regularly for some time. It will help the hair to grow again.

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