Monday, September 12, 2011

The Southern Gentleman

One of the biggest obstacles for me is of course dating,and not that I have trouble meeting guys or getting dates, but southern girls are serious competition. They are usually the perfect package of pretty, polite, and wife-made ready. Don't get me wrong I love who I am, faults and all, but I'm not your typical southern girl. Since I spent a stint in Colorado, I am even less so now. However, every once in a while a good guy comes along and reinforces my belief in the true southern gentleman.

A couple of weeks ago I met a super cute guy (so cute I usually write guys like him off because I assume they would be shallow) who just moved to Atlanta from North Carolina with a friend. We were having a good time and his friends seemed nice, except one. Enter drunk jealous girl. The guys did not know her, but she was friends with one of the girls in their group that night. Obviously wanting my guy for herself she kept looking at me and whispering in his ear. I asked him what her problem was because it just was unnecessary and made me feel uncomfortable. He apologized and said she was really drunk, and the girl was telling him that I was wearing a wig as she was hugging all over him. I told him that I was wearing a wig for medical reasons (thank you liquid courage) and basically that the girl was rude and if he wanted to leave he could. I expected him to get all weird and make an excuse, but he surprised me by immediately saying he didn't care and that girl was being mean and he didn't like people who are so judgemental. Even his friends stuck up for me saying they thought I was cool and the girl was making a fool of herself. After we exchanged numbers and we parted ways, he later told me that the girl said something mean about me again and her friend that was with them said she had enough and stuck up for me, even though she only met me for 15 min. It is nice that there are some decent people, even with one bad apple. I know the girl was acting out of jealousy and alcohol, but you never know what it is like for someone else, so it is a learning lesson of don't judge a book by its cover. I've even hung out with the guy since. Cheers to the southern gentleman!

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