Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Memories Scrapbooking- Chop chop people!

Ok, people I'm a few days into the giveaway and no one has told me what layout they like...I would really love to give away FREE digital scrapbook software! I've personally tried it myself, and unfort. am not smart enough to figure out how to load my example onto the blog, but please take my word for it! This is not a scam. Just some people trying to grow a fun software business and are offering their product to one lucky person. Please take the time to just check it out and let me know what your favorite layout is!

Monday, September 26, 2011

My Memories Giveaway!!

Liz Gardner contacted me from My Memories and wants to offer one lucky reader a chance to win the My Memories Suite Scrapbook software!! Even better, ALL readers get a $10 discount off if you purchase the My Memories suite! Go to this link: and enter code STMMMS67400.

To enter the giveaway, visit, choose your favorite digital paper pack, and comment on my blog which one you chose. The winner will be chosen Monday, Oct. 3rd!

I had the chance to experience the software myself, and love how easy it is to use! Plus, there are so many ways to be creative with the digital scrapbooking.

For more information on My Memories scrapbooking check out these links:

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Beauty Lies In The Soul

I've been feeling super self-concious lately with my hair and eyelashes all gone, but I have to realize that my fear of rejection is getting in the way of potential happiness. I'm lucky to be healthy for the most part, and have dealt with alopecia long enough to know what to expect. I was reading a story in Glamour magazine about a young woman's struggle with life after her and her husband became burn victims from a plane crash that also left a friend dead. She judged herself and thought others would judge her, especially her husband. However, she triumphs over the pitied feelings and says something in the article that makes me rethink my situation when I'm feeling down about my own appearance. We can all learn from her attitude on those rough days.

Here is an excerpt from Stephanie Nielson's "I Couldn't Recognize Myself In The Mirror":

"I was afraid to let Christian--who'd also been burned but not nearly as badly--see me. I worried he'd leave me for a beautiful woman who could fulfill his needs. I felt like a beast...I noticed that my husband still looked at me the same way he had when I was his Snow White...I began seeing people for who they really are. I began seeing their soul. The greatest thing we can do as a human race is to see each other the way God sees us: beautiful. No matter if people have a disease, a handicap or a burned face, their eyes say something and most of the time they are saying, 'look at me, not my trial.'"

Her memoir Heaven Is Here will be out in 2012.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Alopecia Awareness Month

September is Alopecia Awareness Month!! A bunch of Alopecians are taking steps (small and large) to make alopecia front and center in their communities. Some women are making it aware in newsletters, while others are going to dare go without their wig in public. I decided to take the step to shave my head. I have never been completely bald in my life, and have always cringed at the idea because I wanted to keep whatever hair I had left. However, since it looks like I might lose it all anyways, which is scary in itself, I decided to shave my head on a 2 out of 3 coin toss. It is freeing and terrifying. I'm still not completely comfortable with it, but too late to turn back now! I will have to learn how to wear head scarfs I suppose. My nephew said I looked funny as my brother came to the rescue with proper shaving tools after I got most of it shaven. It was hard because I basically cried like a baby in front of my 5-year-old nephew while my brother shaved the rest off. I asked him yesterday if he still loved me even if I looked different, and he replied "Yea, I love you," and gave me a hug. When we went down to get the mail I hid behind a bush for oncoming cars, and he told me he would tell me when the coast was clear. It's silly I know, but I don't feel myself with a shaved head, so public appearances for my bald head aren't in the cards anytime soon, except on here. I knew then that he would always protect me from harsh words of ignorant people, like his dad who got in a fight when we were younger because some boy made fun of me. My brother always has my back. Love them to pieces!

On another note, I've been tackling the fake eyelash conundrum. I'm getting better! I don't wear them daily because it is tedious and my makeup is minimal during the week, but they are great for a night out!

I'm wearing them in this picture!

Here is my new head! Eeek!

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Southern Gentleman

One of the biggest obstacles for me is of course dating,and not that I have trouble meeting guys or getting dates, but southern girls are serious competition. They are usually the perfect package of pretty, polite, and wife-made ready. Don't get me wrong I love who I am, faults and all, but I'm not your typical southern girl. Since I spent a stint in Colorado, I am even less so now. However, every once in a while a good guy comes along and reinforces my belief in the true southern gentleman.

A couple of weeks ago I met a super cute guy (so cute I usually write guys like him off because I assume they would be shallow) who just moved to Atlanta from North Carolina with a friend. We were having a good time and his friends seemed nice, except one. Enter drunk jealous girl. The guys did not know her, but she was friends with one of the girls in their group that night. Obviously wanting my guy for herself she kept looking at me and whispering in his ear. I asked him what her problem was because it just was unnecessary and made me feel uncomfortable. He apologized and said she was really drunk, and the girl was telling him that I was wearing a wig as she was hugging all over him. I told him that I was wearing a wig for medical reasons (thank you liquid courage) and basically that the girl was rude and if he wanted to leave he could. I expected him to get all weird and make an excuse, but he surprised me by immediately saying he didn't care and that girl was being mean and he didn't like people who are so judgemental. Even his friends stuck up for me saying they thought I was cool and the girl was making a fool of herself. After we exchanged numbers and we parted ways, he later told me that the girl said something mean about me again and her friend that was with them said she had enough and stuck up for me, even though she only met me for 15 min. It is nice that there are some decent people, even with one bad apple. I know the girl was acting out of jealousy and alcohol, but you never know what it is like for someone else, so it is a learning lesson of don't judge a book by its cover. I've even hung out with the guy since. Cheers to the southern gentleman!