Monday, March 22, 2010

I know!

Wow, I think I am going on almost 4 months now from my last post. I did warn my readers about my consistency to keep blogging, and because of that I probably don't even have readers now. I have faith though! Well since my Hydrocodone is starting to kick in (broken arm) I will keep this short.

So the wig I got in December is already starting to aggravate the shit out of me. Despite it being human hair and costing a small fortune they dry out easily, get tangled, and create split ends like no other. I haven't had a haircut in months and my real hair doesn't even have split ends like this! In fact, I got a new wig in the first place because of this problem. I just feel like 4 months is too soon for it to going all crap on me. Even though I love the length I've decided to take it to a hairstylist to see what can be done.

1. Morroccan Oil (love the smell and results!)
2. Cut and style
I've actually only had one fake wig cut professionally years ago and a fake wig I did myself, which didn't turn out as well...whoops! I am excited and interested to see how it will come out, especially since I have never used this particular stylist before and wigs can be tricky. I need this as a pick me up anyways, since I've been feeling like I am in a rut recently. I am trying to make some healthy changes: drinking less, exercising more, trying to tackle my years long insomnia problem, and I think changing my hair will help.

I will post pics! Also, thinking about going blonde again for the summer. It was fun last time! Tell me what you think when I was blonde.

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