Monday, August 31, 2009

Day One

So this is my first blog attempt. It will be interesting to see if I stick with it considering I hate journaling. This is also a very revealing blog as far as my personal "battle" with alopecia aerata. For those who don't know what the disease is, it is when white blood cells attack the hair follicles on the body, usually on the head. There are some treatments, but no cure at the present time since it is a hard disease to understand. A lot of people with alopecia go through cycles of losing hair and gaining it back, like me. I suppose I am lucky in never having lost all of my hair, but the emotional damage has been challenging, nonetheless.

I started losing my hair at the age of 2 and wore a propecia during my elementary school days until 3rd grade when it all grew back in. This was my longest cycle of having a full head of hair. Turns out I actually have very thick hair when allowed to grow! High school became a time of losing, and I once again turned to wigs my senior year of high school. Prom and pageants sure were frustrating and embarrasing! The blonde cheerleaders had gorgeous, shiny hair they could go swimming in and pull up into ponytails at a whim. I still have that jealousy when I see a girl walk by with beautiful hair. My hair grew back on a study abroad trip in Italy, and I threw off my wig in jubilation! However, here I am again in another cycle and hiding under my wigs and hats. Summers are always the worst because I want to go swimming!

At times, I just want to shave my head!! The other night if I had had an electrical razor I would have. It was a good thing I didn't since I changed my mind the next day. While it would be easier to just take it all off, it is a label for my feminity. Just like when I was little I had to wear dresses and earrings so people did not think I was a boy.

I have tried Cortisone shots, but they were hardly successful. I read an article about certain herbs helping or a new pill called Orteson, so maybe there are better and less irritating treatments on the horizon! I would like to hear from readers of their own experiences, treatments, thoughts with alopecia if they have them!

Sorry for the first blog being a little ununiformed. I had more to say in my first entry than I thought!

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